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Color Rich 44

The most effective and safe color enhancer to be used on all kind of fish.

50 grams


Color Rich 44

Fish color can be seen in 7 days of daily application and full color can be expected in 14 days of daily application. This product has no side effect, will not harm liver nor reproduction effectiveness and fish will not become aggressive. Easy to use. 

Net Weight 50 g.

Usage :  1 spoon (1 gram) for 100 liter water

Plant Plus

A natural plant food, which promotes the growth of aquatic plants.

110.00 - 200.00 Baht


Biological feed additive for eliminating white feces in fish and shrimp

400.00 Baht


Biological Water Conditioner

35.00 - 2,400.00 Baht

EMS charge

For customer Dubai

1,120.00 Baht

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